Green Building Award Nominations


2015 Green Building Award winner – The Old Yellow House

The Green Building category showcases innovative, sustainable design and construction. 

Award Criteria and Nomination Guidelines

The Green Building Awards are open to any green building in Contra Costa County. Additions and remodels are considered for the award, since reusing a building conserves resources and is definitely a green approach to construction.

Required Submittal:

A [maximum 2-page] narrative describing how this project has incorporated the environmental performance criteria listed below (submit in online form). Links to photos of the building may be included in the narrative text or photo files may be emailed to

  1. Energy Conservation & Efficiency. Features such as: building orientation; passive heating/cooling; cool roof; solar thermal; solar photovoltaic; energy efficient heating/HVAC; LED lighting; energy management system; electric vehicle charging; etc. If known, explain what features are above minimum code requirements. Include any lessons learned and ways that your project has helped to educate others.
  2. Water Conservation & Efficiency. Features such as: greywater; rainwater capture & use; water management systems/sensors; water efficient landscape; high-efficiency fixtures; etc. If known, explain what features are above minimum code requirements. Include any lessons learned and ways that your project has helped to educate others.
  3. Sustainable Materials & Healthy Environment. Features such as: recycling of deconstructed materials; nontoxic/low VOC materials; sustainably harvested materials; etc. If known, explain what features are above minimum Cal Green requirements. Include any lessons learned and ways that your project has helped to educate others.

Optional Submittals

1. Site Plan with North Arrow

2. Energy Bill (before and after if remodel)

3. Water Bill (before and after if remodel)

4. Green Building Rating System Results

5. Construction & Demolition Diversion Rate

6. Energy Performance Ratings

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