July 7, 2021 @ 9:30 am – July 23, 2021 @ 11:30 am
Online OR In-Person
$5 - Zoom, $10 In-person
Sustainable Contra Costa

This summer, Sustainable Leaders in Action (SLIA) is hosting Operation Green: Mission Possible, a three-week interactive program for 8-11 year olds!  Six in-person or zoom missions will be offered between July 7th and July 23rd—sign up for one or all! Your child will become an agent for the planet by learning about topics like waste reduction and water conservation. Missions include theme-based arts & crafts, physical activities, and critical thinking! There is limited space available for the missions, so sign up now!

All participants will receive an activity booklet they can complete for a $10 gift card to Rivertown Sweets in Antioch or John’s Ice Cream in Brentwood. In-person participants will also take home a stainless steel water bottle and travel utensil set.

Find the full schedule of Missions and register HERE

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