
Sustainable Contra Costa appreciates the role that businesses play in our communities. We can help you to be more sustainable and/or recognize your business when you go above and beyond with sustainable practices. We know that a strong business community builds a strong economy and distributes resources that residents can use to help the environment. We’re here to partner with you and look forward to helping where we can. Some ways SCOCO can help businesses:

• We partner with the Green Business Network to recognize businesses who have sustainable practices.
• Our annual Leadership in Sustainability Awards spotlights businesses that work to be sustainable and protect our environment.
• The Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge can bring friendly competition to your office! Teams or individuals can compete to see who can complete the most sustainable actions at home.
Sponsor SCOCO with a financial or in-kind donation (ie: Gift Certificates) to show how your business supports sustainability.
• If you have a sustainable idea that you want to share, we can partner together for a workshop! Contact SCOCO to give you suggestions!

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SCOCO Network

SCOCO Network

Join our growing community of residents, businesses, and organizations building a more sustainable world together by sharing ideas, events and more!

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